Ah, so many bad drivers, so little time!I took SO many pictures this weekend, and a lot of them of better violations and better quality than these, it was hard to choose. Lilly's comments to my previous post about speedy BMW drivers made up my mind for me. Damn my dirty windshield. As much as I tried to enhance the photo, all I could get a clearer image of was the specks on my windshield.

Guess you could call this the exception that proves the rule. My car is certainly no powerhouse, you would probably laugh if I told you about it. I was going up a road in a hillside neighborhood and had the unfortunate experience of being stuck behind the world's slowest BMW. This was a 5-series, so it has the "big" motor, I think. I always laugh when I hear the commercials for BMW, calling them "luxury performance" and "the ultimate driving machine", because in my experience what I mostly see is them driving quickly but not well, not using their signals, not doing any particularly impressive cornering (I think I almost always out-corner them in my economy car) and doing things like racing to the next red light. Oh yea, and rolling stop signs. I think "the ultimate overpriced pussy wagon" would be a more apropos slogan!
agggrrg, I messed up my previous reply...
Well Max, you found the slow one did ja?
Musta been grandpa driving!
Thanks for thinking of me when you saw the thing, and the dedication here. :) Its nice to know that litle ol me crosses your mind as you go about your photo journalism waaay out there in LA. :)
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