Thursday, December 28, 2006


Here's one that I see all too often. Someone turns right on a red light, which I have no problem with.

HOWEVER, don't turn into the only lane with oncoming traffic in it and go slow!

Did you know that these highly regarded Land Rovers are powered by an engine that was introduced by Buick in the early 60's? I notice that they accelerate like it.

Another point of interest: Moron is getting into the left turn lane well after it has begun (you can see I'm already fully in the turn lane) with no signal. Every brake light except the high third light (eclipsed by my rear view mirror) were also burned out. You pay that much for a slow, overpriced "sport" utility and it is so soon broken in such a fundamental way?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holiday

Nice, inoffensive seasonal decorations. Is this what it has come to? Sparkly stars are all that will be tolerated?

Screw that. I say:

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Sometimes the infraction doesn't photograph so well. I have probably hundreds of attempts that fall into this category, and it seems I've had a bit of a dry spell for getting really good shots. Perhaps one day I'll post a series of these pics, the infractions are good, at least. Anyway, Granny called me on not having any recent posts, so I had to throw up SOMETHING.

I'll call this guy Ricky Racer. Too much engine up front and too little brain upstairs, and a tank of hi test burning a hole in his... injectors? The freeway was moving along at a decent clip, 70 or so mostly. Nothing to complain about or anything. Here comes Ricky Racer, up behind me probably pushing 90 or better. You see this kind of thing on a fairly regular basis, and it is usually predictable. He closes the gap quickly (surprise!) and within a couple of car lengths (in other words, at the last second) cuts to the right, with no signal or sign (other than the predictability of his ilk). Umm, hey Einstein, don't you think I'd be over there too if it were moving any better? He gets a little ahead of me (on his brakes the whole way because, HEY, there's a car over there, too!), moves around some into other lanes, ends up probably 5 cars or so behind me in the same lane again, and in his ADHD way keeps moving all over the road, on the throttle and the brake constantly. I wonder what kind of mileage hit that makes for. Anyway, he finally does end up ahead of me... six or seven miles up the road, and only then because I'm heading to the right (slower) lanes, because I'm exiting soon!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006



This guy is a real piece of work! On the on ramp, he blasts by in the unmetered car pool lane (in case there is any doubt in your mind, no, he did not have a passenger with him) only to have to slow to near a stop for the semi that had gotten on ahead of us. In the first picture I got, you can see him heading over the triangle in the thickest area that I've seen anyone do this in a long time.

After that, in the second picture, you can see he got in the lane that exits to cut around half a dozen people.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

On your way over the hills or through the woods or wherever you have to go this weekend...
Be safe and careful!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This is one of my favorites that I've gotten yet!
This was a terrible traffic jam the other day. I'm sure it made many people late.

At the normal spot where the 60 splits off from the 5 south, this old geezer bulls his way in at the last moment. If I've not said so before, this kind of behavior only adds to an already bad drive.

However, a great advantage I found of being stuck in really slow traffic: You can get a chance to line up some great shots!

Funny thing, this guy doesn't seem to look too pleased about getting his pic taken! In fact, it kind of looks like he's mad-dogging me! Haha, I LOVE IT! That's just fine, I'm sure there are several people who aren't too pleased with your lame ass driving! We will not disturb you when they get you into a rest home!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


WARNING: I'm detecting dangerous amounts of smug emissions!

These things bug me. Wow, they get 50 miles to the gallon! Umm, you know, nothing new here really, in the early 80's Chevrolet Sprints were achieving that same vaulted numbers. In the 70's, VW diesels were consistently achieving these numbers, and many of these durable machines are still on the roads! They are a popular choice for the REAL green crowd, being converted to run on straight waste vegetable oil or home brewed biodiesel, a choice I find much greener than the lofty E-85 ethanol that Detroit is attempting to foist off as a green alternative. Also, they do not have the battery packs that will become toxic landfill in the near future of the "new cutting edge technology hybrids".
OK, down off my soap box now. If you bring your irritating smug emitting nasty dirty heap out here from New Hampshire, PARK IT BETWEEN THE LINES LIKE YOU HAVE SOME SENSE! But I digress, you have already proved contrary!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Slower traffic keep right. It is always good when someone does that. HOWEVER, when you are in a big ass truck and have just transitioned onto one of those messed up ramps that dump you in the leftmost lane, how about you get a little bit of your speed back, or at least not cut across three lanes in front of people going a little better than the limit!? I swear, this guy didn't even look!
What do you expect, he's from Utah!

Monday, November 13, 2006


"How is my driving?" Kind of like an asshole who doesn't know how to drive! Call now!

His number is 26136, and you need to call 1-800-835-2257. This incident occurred on November 3rd.

As is the norm at this location (5-60 south split), he cut across at the last moment, causing slowing in both lanes.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Or "Mister Last Minute"

This guy KEPT doing stupid stuff. Mister Last Minute is actually being quite generous to him, more like last second! He got in front of me at the very last moment for a transition to another freeway.

In this next shot, you can see he got over into the ramp to south bound, but then, surprise, at the last moment, he came back over in front of me again. Gave me plenty of chances to get shots of him.

At the next exit, I got into the exit lane as soon as it was clear and safe. Guess what he did!

Of course, he's a contractor. Some people (who have had to deal with them) would put them down around telemarketers on the food chain. His phone number, in case you want to tell him he sucks with your free after 9 cell minutes is (818)631-7767.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Or "Triangle Two"

Same place as last time I got someone going across the triangle at the end of a transition road. I was originally getting a picture of the Scion going at the last moment, but then I got the Z. Got his plate and everything, good one. Completely in the triangle.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Why I Was Late Friday

You know, sympathy for the dead and all.

BUT COME ON! Making a major inconvenience for thousands of motorists? I certainly don't think that is a way to endear yourself to the community!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


"To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them they can never have; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessd. Just as the camera is a sublimation of the gun, to photograph someone is a sublimated murder"

~Susan Sontag

I found that line and I though it was great. I was thinking of posting it on Lilly's blog, but I didn't think that was appropriate to the current crop of pictures she has on there. Maybe later.

I though this was great. Same interchange as the shots I took on the 15th and the 20th. It really is like shooting fish in a barrel there, too. This is the first time I got a real good shot of the plate, too. Moron in his land yacht though he was going to pass me in that barge on the curve. I think not! Other than other similar sized hulks and "sport" utility vehicles, I don't think there is much that couldn't out-corner this asshole. I think he was disturbed that I wasn't going to slam on my brakes and give him an engraved invitation to cut in front of me. Just try it and see what happens! You know the people who do this shit do it every single day of the week. I stuck my camera over my shoulder and squeezed off a shot, but those almost never come out. Anyway, I had moved on, and was taking pictures of the guy with is dog hanging out the window, and he passes me. Got a shot of blurry trees when I tried to get that, as well as seeing him yakkity damn yakking on his cell. I positioned myself behind him to get his plate in case any of the other two came out, and this is what I got. Look, he's saluting me! Hahahahaha! I was greatly amused. I only wish this blog had wider appeal so many more people could witness this stuff.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Deja Vu

This was so wild, I had to post it here. Once again, I couldn't get a clear license plate shot, but this mini van did the EXACT SAME THING that I had made a post of before!

All the way from the far left to the far right.

I still like the wall or killer laser cannon idea.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

5STP400 and 5BAJ794

If you listen to 95.5 KLOS, you are familiar with their "2 for Tuesday" custom. Here is a little 2fer of my own!

Once again, I was able to demonstrate my uncanny powers of precognition!

This lane ends on the far side of this intersection. I drive it often, and I would bet money that today's featured bad drivers do, too.

So, what do they do? They get out of the left lane, into the right lane to inconvenience everyone who actually stays in the proper lane! Another place where they should put up a wall!

5STP400 especially pissed me off, not only do they do that, but then they're making a left turn immediately after, and as you can see, there is no actual left turn lane and many parked cars. It really slows things down, thanks a lot asshole!

5BAJ794 ended up staying in front of me for almost the rest of my drive. They demonstrated no other citeable faults, but their mere presence was pissing me off!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

4SBH075 (I Think...)

Another from the low-light morning collection. I could almost make out the numbers on the plate! Here is coming south through the East L.A. interchange, something that you will see a lot of if you go this way on a regular basis. As you can see, I started taking these pictures before he started the move. You can just tell.

The left lane is clearly designated as going on the 60 east about a half mile or more before. In fact, this lane is added on expressly for this direction. Nonetheless, there are always people who get in that lane, then at the last moment get into the lane to the 5 south. I think they should make a solid curb or wall between these lanes, it would probably free things up in this area considerably!

Not only did this guy make this maneuver, but continued on all the way to the far right lane. I hereby revoke your driving privileges!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Foiled Again!

This one is a classic. This fool cuts in front of me with inches to spare to get out of the left hand lane. Of course, I wasn't going any faster, because there was someone in my lane going the exact same speed!

So, the next thing I see is his brake lights. The ones that still work, anyway. Second shot is me behind him at the next red light. Good thing you made that dangerous maneuver, scum.

Of course, the one day where I'm out with my camera and have the possibility of getting a good shot, and this guy doesn't have a plate. I wouldn't either, if I drove like this.

The Triangle

Sorry for not posting recently, faithful followers of my travels. As I stated earlier, I have been hindered by lack of decent light.

Another twilight shot I did manage to get, but no identifiable shots were gettable. Here's an idiot who waits until the last second, and then cuts across the triangle separating the off ramp and the feeder road. At least he signaled!Looks like a half second later and he would have been in the dirt!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fish in a Barrel

Call it a preemptive strike, but I did like I was saying I'm always tempted to do. I was behind this BMW high rolling station wagon, and just had that feeling. Sure enough, on this transition road, all of a sudden he slams on his brakes and panicidly gets over into the right hand lane.

Probably figured that he had to be there to go south. Funny thing, both lanes will get you to going south. You'd think you'd be able to see that from up there.

I was bummed that you can't make out the plate number or see the driver. I attribute that to the twilight time I was shooting in. Unfortunately, with the days getting shorter, I foresee more of this type of problem in the future.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

More Stupid BMW Drivers

Stupid BMW drivers. I could do months without doing a thing but shooting stupid BMW drivers. I know, I know, that would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm half tempted to start shooting every time I see one, because you just know they're going to do something to reinforce the preconceived notion that all BMW drivers suck. Here's another for my collection.
I'm driving along, and traffic starts backing up, as it does. This guy was behind me. He thought he could do better than being behind me, so he gets over, and gets up even with me. Doesn't he look cool with his illegal window tint and his bird shit B-pillar? Haha!
Well, the third shot here shows what happened. He got right back behind me, where he started. All with no signal, I'm pretty sure. Thank you for perpetuating stereotypes!