Wednesday, October 25, 2006


"To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them they can never have; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessd. Just as the camera is a sublimation of the gun, to photograph someone is a sublimated murder"

~Susan Sontag

I found that line and I though it was great. I was thinking of posting it on Lilly's blog, but I didn't think that was appropriate to the current crop of pictures she has on there. Maybe later.

I though this was great. Same interchange as the shots I took on the 15th and the 20th. It really is like shooting fish in a barrel there, too. This is the first time I got a real good shot of the plate, too. Moron in his land yacht though he was going to pass me in that barge on the curve. I think not! Other than other similar sized hulks and "sport" utility vehicles, I don't think there is much that couldn't out-corner this asshole. I think he was disturbed that I wasn't going to slam on my brakes and give him an engraved invitation to cut in front of me. Just try it and see what happens! You know the people who do this shit do it every single day of the week. I stuck my camera over my shoulder and squeezed off a shot, but those almost never come out. Anyway, I had moved on, and was taking pictures of the guy with is dog hanging out the window, and he passes me. Got a shot of blurry trees when I tried to get that, as well as seeing him yakkity damn yakking on his cell. I positioned myself behind him to get his plate in case any of the other two came out, and this is what I got. Look, he's saluting me! Hahahahaha! I was greatly amused. I only wish this blog had wider appeal so many more people could witness this stuff.


me said...

Did he salute you before or after you took the pic?

Interesting stuff here. Have you gotten into any accidents? Be careful out there!
That road rage stuff can get really scary.

Lilly said...

good stuff. haha.. keep shooting the idiots!

Susan Sontag knew what was up. Nice.

Granny said...