This one is a classic. This fool cuts in front of me with inches to spare to get out of the left hand lane. Of course, I wasn't going any faster, because there was someone in my lane going the exact same speed!

So, the next thing I see is his brake lights. The ones that still work, anyway. Second shot is me behind him at the next red light. Good thing you made that dangerous maneuver, scum.

Of course, the one day where I'm out with my camera and have the possibility of getting a good shot, and this guy doesn't have a plate. I wouldn't either, if I drove like this.
Hey, what do ya know!!! I was just saying on Eyeball's blog how ya haven't posted in a while, and here you did!!! What an idiot, I hate people who drive like this.
This is my kind of photography!
Wish I could get my drivers side window down.. I mean, I see so much shit here on my way to and from work and...I just saw this kind of shit yesterday... Guy all the way over to the left and comes across all lanes to 'barely' get on the off ramp...grrrrrr..
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