Stupid BMW drivers. I could do months without doing a thing but shooting stupid BMW drivers. I know, I know, that would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm half tempted to start shooting every time I see one, because you just know they're going to do something to reinforce the preconceived notion that all BMW drivers suck. Here's another for my collection.

I'm driving along, and traffic starts backing up, as it does. This guy was behind me. He thought he could do better than being behind me, so he gets over, and gets up even with me. Doesn't he look cool with his illegal window tint and his bird shit B-pillar? Haha!

Well, the third shot here shows what happened. He got right back behind me, where he started. All with no signal, I'm pretty sure. Thank you for perpetuating stereotypes!
hahaha.. bird shit B-pillar!!! We don't have those out here. INsAnE!!
Your shooting is educational and informative. Thank you once again for your efforts to educate the masses about idiots on the roads of L A C A.
Haha, great idea, Eyeball!!!
i love that this guy is complaining about BMW drivers sucking...yet he's the one taking pictures while driving... very safe im sure
thats a c-pillar not b... a in the front near the windshield, then b... then c... its almost the same as your ABC's :-P
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