Bad and DANGEROUS driving here. As you can see in the first shot, the freeway was wide open! I had just transitioned onto this freeway and this fool gets in front of me, I kid you not, going MAYBE up to 40 miles per hour! I almost stood it on the front wheels braking. If I remember correctly, this was a case of DWO, driving while Oriental! You should NOT be on the roads, much less the freeway!

hahaha at DWO...
I've been guilty of DWithO...
What a TRIP!
Hell that car may not even be able to go over 40mph.. hahaha.. looks like it's seen it's better daze..
LMMFAO!! Driving while Oriental...hahahaha
Hahahahaha @ DWO!!! My mother used to work for a major Japaneese electronics company, and one of her friends there handled some aspect of the business that dealt with the rental companies that the company heads from Japan would use for cars when they travelled over here. She said there was a very high incidence of collisions involving those guys!!!
OH, and WHERE did you find such a deserted freeway??? Only time I ever see anything like that is like at 2 or 3 AM (and even that isn't a sure thing *remembering a traffic jam early one morning around that specified time*)
LMAO@ 'mexicorn'
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