All hail speed racer in his rice burner! This guy was behind me at a red light, where I was right on the pole. I got going when the light changed and got it up to around 55 in what is probably a 40 or 45 zone. Plenty quick enough for me. Not quick enough for this kid and his 'performance' honda! He gets out from behind me, passes me up, and gets back in my lane (albeit in a amicable fashion, not with extreme prejudice) with no signaling at all. Beat me to the next red light, he did, where I pulled up right next to him! Here's your trophy, you burned more gas than I did, and got to stop far earlier than me!

hahahhahaha... eyeball.
Max would you be a dear and jack the next halfway decent, late model car you see that does something foolish while you are out driving and send it to me out here in NC? That would be so cool. ;) Solve 2 problems with one shot.
Hahahahahaha Eyeball!!! Great observations on the drivers and passengers of these kind of cars!!!
Hey.. I've been accused of being gangsteritis, but unfortunately I'm not fast and furious in my car ... ANYMORE...
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