Wake up and TURN already!

These are a great invention, the left turn lights that allow you to turn even if the arrow is not lit! I think all the left turn arrows should be like this.

Of course, that is provided that someone knows how to read and comprehend what it means! This guy sat through the last of a green where he could have gone, and let it go to red. To top it off, when the light finally cycled all the way back to us, he STILL didn't go! After 10 seconds or so I honked to wake him up. I hate inattentive drivers.

Enjoy your fast food drink, man. Looks like that is the only thing going fast in your car!
Ummmm, good eye, Eye! Thats exactly where this was. It think it's the only Simone's donuts I've ever seen. Get this, slowpoke was getting on the 405 right there!
they don't call him EYEBALL for nuthin' I reckon.
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