This guy KEPT doing stupid stuff. Mister Last Minute is actually being quite generous to him, more like last second! He got in front of me at the very last moment for a transition to another freeway.

In this next shot, you can see he got over into the ramp to south bound, but then, surprise, at the last moment, he came back over in front of me again. Gave me plenty of chances to get shots of him.

At the next exit, I got into the exit lane as soon as it was clear and safe. Guess what he did!

Of course, he's a contractor. Some people (who have had to deal with them) would put them down around telemarketers on the food chain. His phone number, in case you want to tell him he sucks with your free after 9 cell minutes is (818)631-7767.
Your way to kewl ...
damm great shots man!! looking over your blog, (i've not been here in a while) it seems that you have really fine tuned your shooting skillz. i'm proud of ya son!!!
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