Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Here's a spot of road that actually got fixed recently. It is a stretch of road that is routinely backed up in the morning. It used to have two lanes, then narrow down to one, and of course you'd always get people who would pass in the right lane and continue past where it ends, until the road narrowed to where they have to bull their way in. In the last few months, as you can see, they have eliminated the right lane. But, if you're a big enough tool, I guess that makes no difference! Here we have a Mercedes, plate 5UMA433, and if you were curious, the infraction would either be CVC 21754 or 21755. I kept the video long enough that you can see they get to where they're not moving, as well as getting a clear shot of the plate and their broken left tail light! I could have left it longer, so you could see they were not getting anywhere fast anymore until I turned off three minutes later!

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