Saturday, August 30, 2014


Here we see a Nissan that gets in front of me and proceeds to drive fairly slow for a mile or more. I generally get in the lane I'm going to need to be in and stay there, unless there's plenty of room and opportunity to do so. Thus, I was behind him for far longer than I would have liked! That mile or so later, they FINALLY start acting like they are going to get out of my way, signalling right. Of course, I'm pleased and also thinking that they probably had meant to take the exit to the right and may cut all the way over. Oh, no. After a few seconds of signalling and not going, they suddenly decide that LEFT was the way they needed to go (could have just stayed there, out of my way) then proceed to slam on their brakes before cutting across the double solid white lines and gore point! You can see me swerve, but can't hear me laying on my horn!

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