Saturday, May 17, 2014


Cyclists. I don't have a problem with them, except for the fact that it seems like a great many of them seem to think the law doesn't apply to them. I see a lot of them driving two and three wide, completely blocking whole lanes, not yielding the right of way, driving the wrong direction, crossing all the way across the road at random intervals, and almost never do you see them stopping at stop signs! When I see such flagrant and dangerous (and by dangerous, I primarily mean to the cyclist themselves, so one could make an argument for Darwinian evolution) behavior, I often make the comment, "Because the law doesn't apply to bicycles!"

Here we see a prime example. To start off with, it is fairly dark already, and you can see this girl has no light, front or back. Secondly, she's in between two lanes for no apparent reason. Next move, she rolls right over the limit line, then blows the red light in front of everyone who's turning left. A bit further up the road, she's pretty far out into traffic lanes (CVC 21202 - Bicycles traveling slower than the normal speed of traffic must ride as close to the right side of the road as practicable - a violation I see CONSTANTLY!). Finally, another blast right through a red light.

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