Sunday, May 04, 2014

5XSS015 & 5XNV252

This is heading up the 710 to the transition to the 10. Always ALWAYS people who want to go East staying in the Westbound lane (which is clearly marked way back) until the last minute then cutting over. This car was totally predictable, it's an Acura, and they have a USC alumnus license plate frame. Pretty much most Japanese "luxury" model (a rebadged Toyota, Honda, or Nissan) you can count on having a rude, inconsiderate or just plain bad driver, it seems.

So it start off with the cyclist heading up. I don't count them, but, dude, watch out for the Acura! Sure enough, 5XSS015 starts signalling late, and doesn't even make an attempt where there's plenty of room ahead of the truck where the bike gets over, but waits until way late. Bonus, right as he heads right, you get the Nissan 5XNV252 (don't get me started on Nissan drivers) who it looks like heads to the left side crossing over the solid white line (and then proceeded to drive really slow).

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