The Pasadena portion of the 110 freeway should come with some very specific rules. This is one of the first freeways built, the first in Southern California. It features many twists and turns, "so motorists won't get sleepy", as well as practically 90-degree on and off ramps, with stop signs on the on ramps. This brings me to rule #1: NO WEAK MACHINES!!! If you can't accelerate from a dead stop to at least fairly close to freeway speeds in a timely manner, don't get on here!!! Go to the 5 or something. Rule #2: If you are waiting to enter, PAY ATTENTION!!! if there is an acceptable opening, GO!!! That is the bad driving that Mr. or Mz. (I couldn't tell) 5HBA169 in his Mercedes E320 is guilty of. I don't know if they were yakking on their cell phone or putting on their make-up or what, but they had an unheard of HUGE opening, and didn't go. After about five seconds I laid on my horn for probably a good five more seconds before they actually got their stupid ass foot off the brake and got going.
May I also suggest that thru-traffic on the CA-110 avoid the rightmost lane. Leave that for exiting and especially oncoming traffic (since they don't have the distance to speed up that they'd have on more modern freeways).
We have people up north who come to a full stop on a yield sign with the nearest traffic a couple of blocks away.
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