I was driving along the other morning, actually moving along at a pretty good speed (the high side of 70).

All of a sudden, in the wink of an eye, Parking Enforcement passed me by!!! No, your eyes do not deceive you!!! This bastard was blasting along in the car pool lane going at least 90!!!

Must be a parking crisis going on somewhere!!! Naturally, he was technically a car pool. His law enforcement ego must have been riding shotgun.

After the car pool lane ended I was able to catch up and get the close shots, clearly showing his passengers, as well as the ID numbers on his little neon. On the back it has "0270" and on the C pillar it has a "55"
Nice catch!!! Someone should call up the storied LAPD and ask them their policy on non emergency vehicles using the car pool lane with solo drivers, then give them your URL!!! I bet you money that they wouldn't do a damned thing, even if it is against policy!!!
keep shooting those bastards!
definately send them a link to your blog and also to the CA Dept of Transportation top official and Arnold too while you're at it.
Good luck with this. It could, in the end be very helpful. Don't stop shooting.
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