Driving down the freeway a few days ago, I smelled it first. First thing I thought of: I hope that isn't me, but I don't know how it could be. Hmmmm... Smells like someone has their brakes or clutch burning!

Usually when you smell this, it's someone forgot to take off their emergency brake. I don't think that is the case here. I got up the road a bit, and came upon the source of the burn. This bus, another charter bus, I believe.
I have a friend who is a big truck mechanic. He once told me that the story truckers will give of an accident being caused by "the brakes failed" is a misinomer, because the air brakes in actuality hold the brakes in an "off" position. If you lose the air pressure, the brakes will try to lock up. Could be what happened here. I can almost smell it!!!
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