I thought this was an unusual one. You will notice in the first picture, the driver's mouth is open. I don't think it ever closes.

I pulled into the spot next to this person. When I was pulling in, the driver was in the back seat putting a child into their seat
(unlike some people!) and had the back door all the way open. No problem to me, my car isn't that big, and the parking spots are actually
realistically sized. I pull in with plenty of room and park. No sooner do I get parked that she starts bitching at me about how I should have said something and she would have closed her door (which would have been impossible because her ass was hanging out at the time I was parking, and as I said there war really no need anyway). So, I did nothing wrong, and yet I get bitched at. Continually. All the way out of the parking lot. I swear, some people are not happy unless they are complaining about something. Or maybe they are never happy, and they try to externalize that onto other people?

The kid asks why that man is taking pictures, and
babymomma answers "because he
stoopid!" Isn't that *ahem* the pot calling the kettle black?