Mini Vans. They have their place, I guess, but often they seem to be poorly driven.
The other day, I discovered what kind are the worst! Exiting the freeway (actually worse traffic getting off than if you continued on the freeway, for a change. I blame poor design) there was a row of cars stopped. At the last moment, the fool in the first crappy Toyota mini van cuts in.

While I was aiming for a better license plate shot, I got a bonus! Another of the EXACT SAME mini van does the same thing, only farther up, into the triangle.

Here is my first shot of the second mini van, tight on the back plate.

Here's a rear view shot of after I got ahead of the mini van on the street. Not very clear, but as you can see, they were anxious to be ahead of everyone on the freeway, but had no interest in doing so once we got onto the street!