Thursday, August 31, 2006

5NUB995 & 5KNV532

Now this was a lucky shot! Some people are SO predictable in their driving habits. I will often count down from five then say what stupid, thoughtless move they will make, usually RIGHT as they do it! In continuing my BMW bashing series, I knew he (or she or he-she) was going to cut over into the right lane at the last moment with no signal and exit. About the time I was at 2 I took the first shot, and as I was saying "cut across with no signal and exit" I was taking the second! Damn, I can call 'em!

The third picture I was trying to get a clear shot of the license number, and I got a bonus! The fool between me and the first fool was driving along RIGHT ON the line between the left and the right turn lanes! Make up your mind!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

For Lilly

Ah, so many bad drivers, so little time!I took SO many pictures this weekend, and a lot of them of better violations and better quality than these, it was hard to choose. Lilly's comments to my previous post about speedy BMW drivers made up my mind for me. Damn my dirty windshield. As much as I tried to enhance the photo, all I could get a clearer image of was the specks on my windshield.

Guess you could call this the exception that proves the rule. My car is certainly no powerhouse, you would probably laugh if I told you about it. I was going up a road in a hillside neighborhood and had the unfortunate experience of being stuck behind the world's slowest BMW. This was a 5-series, so it has the "big" motor, I think. I always laugh when I hear the commercials for BMW, calling them "luxury performance" and "the ultimate driving machine", because in my experience what I mostly see is them driving quickly but not well, not using their signals, not doing any particularly impressive cornering (I think I almost always out-corner them in my economy car) and doing things like racing to the next red light. Oh yea, and rolling stop signs. I think "the ultimate overpriced pussy wagon" would be a more apropos slogan!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


The "California roll":

You slow down for the stop sign, then roll right through it without coming to a complete stop.

And, of course, hope that there are no cops or bad driver photo blog journalists about!


Being as it is the weekend I took a break from the freeways and roads and took a walk around my neighborhood. I took my trusty camera along, and lo and behold, I STILL found some bad drivers! This lady was flying along in a residential area, had to be going at least 50 MPH. You can see in the first shot, its posted at 25, and these are narrow little residential streets. Reminds me of the old George Carlin bit, "ever notice how everyone going slower than you is an idiot, and everyone going faster than you is a maniac?" I was surprised that I got two halfway decent shots in the short time she was in sight!


Now here's a real ASSHOLE! I want you all to call the number I give at the end of this post and tell them they have an asshole driver!!! Stuck in the typical bumper to bumper drive and THIS FUCKHEAD, every time a motorcycle comes up splitting lanes, he's right over so they can't easily or safely get over!!! Come on, dipshit, just because you slow someone down doesn't mean you're getting your bigass ridiculous EMPTY LOOKIN' party supply truck to where you're going any sooner! I would venture to guess that doing so would actually slow up the traffic! I saw him do this trick several times. I apologize for the poor picture quality, my batteries died and I ended up using my phone camera. Otherwise, I might have gotten a picture of him trying to block a motorcycle. Please call (310) 202-0011 and tell them it would be best if they started a will call type of service!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Triple Threat

Classic. My only regret is not having gotten better pictures or any of the plates or drivers.
Scenario: Three cars arrive at a three way 'T' intersection. First was the Astro van, coming opposite my direction. I was second on the scene, preparing to turn left. Lastly was the Honda, coming up the 'T' for a right turn. We all know how it should go, van first, then me and the Honda. Well, the asshole in the Honda tries to go first, as the Astro is trying to go, getting in their way, thus blocking my progress. It was jammed like that for a few seconds, then the Honda made some room and Astro got going. The picture of their nose sticking out in the intersection is pretty much where they were. You suck, anonymous Honda driver!


What NOT to do: Pull out of a driveway right in front of oncoming traffic in a weak machine! This guy (or girl or he-she) never really got up to speed for the couple of blocks they were ahead of me for. Finally they turned into, ironically, a FAST food place!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


First, I must qualify this post. I did not get ANY good pictures of this idiot. Sun glare and a dirty windshield. Wish I'd gotten better, this guy needs the exposure for the suck ass that he is. I THINK that I got the license close to right. In the top picture you can see him drifting across the line into the left lane, in a rather uncertain manner. No signal. At this intersection, the center lane can go straight, or turn left or right. There is a clearly marked sign for this. If you don't know exactly which way you're going, just stay in the center lane and then make your mind up!
No, this fool drifts to the left lane, THEN goes straight through the intersection (only one lane on the far side, and there was somebody else going straight in the prescribed lane for doing so, in addition to my own self), comes to a near complete stop on the far side of the intersection, then turns right into a gas station (bottom photo)

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Signal like you mean it!

Getting over at the last minute is a way of life for some people, I swear! Here is a shot of one of those people I was sure was going to do that. Hell, they had their signal on and everything, at an interchange where that always happens.
Well, got me on that one! I got my shot and everything, and THEY DIDN'T GET OVER! What could account for such bad driving? Yakkity yakkity yakkity damn YAKKING on your cell phone! Here's a hint, HANG UP AND DRIVE!

Friday, August 18, 2006


Another prime example of not being able to park right. This was a VERY crowded lot, and to add to the "duh" factor, they left their top down, too! I wonder if they are going to see what I left them, or just end up sitting down right in it! Haha!

I always wonder when I see these "My other car is an Enterprise rent-a-car" plate frames. Why would you put that on your car? My best guess is that after they sell them off from rental service they slap these on them and most people are too lazy to take them off. I can't imagine any other reason.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Sweeper trains! Stupid things, they do a rather poor job of cleaning the freeway, and they block a lane DURING RUSH HOUR!

My car sits pretty low, but even I could see that there was an arrow to get out of that lane. Always there are some assholes who would rather drive RIGHT UP to the blockage, then try to get over. From now on, I'm there to witness and document whenever I see this happen!

Here we have a Mitsubishi Montero who is guilty of this infraction. Don't try and tell me you couldn't see the lane blocked from up there when I can from down here! Not the only offense they committed, either.

I've got your number, and I'm going to have to check my files, but I had another incident with a vehicle just like this. More to follow, if anything is there on that.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Continuing a theme began in a previous post, here for your enjoyment is another asshole commercal truck driver. I've said it before and I'll say it again, SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT! This guy is getting into the #2 lane of 4 or 5. Why? Certainly not to go anywhere fast! The guy in the Acura had to brake HARD to keep from rolling through him.

I got a fairly decent picture of the driver. Kind of looks like a chick, maybe? I didn't get a good shot of the text on the door, would have loved to have that too, but my A pillar was in the way. Looked like a fish company. For someone who drives for a living, YOU SUCK chicky looking fishman.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Lightening strikes twice! I had seen this guy (or someone else in the exact same van) before. I remember them doing some stupid maneuver, I don't remember what, but I remember the URL on the back and thinking I might check it out, see if there is feedback and tell them they have a bad, bad driver.
This time I caught him crossing the solid white line, even into the triangle. No signal, and at the last minute. You can see there was plenty of room if he'd wanted to do this earlier. No, a lot more fun to cross that solid line. Very cool that I was there to see him to screw up like this again! So now you know, Filipino bankers are bad drivers!

My profile picture of the driver didn't come out too good. I lightened it several shades to try and make it more visible, but to little avail.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

4BVW841-Read Between the Lines

First, read between the lines...


HINT: Just because its from Japan doesn't mean that it's a compact car anymore!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I don't mind when people get in front of me, really I don't (well, maybe just a little)


Mz. 4CRW948 in her cute little wannabe SUV here... at least she signals before cutting in front of me with very little room, but barely. We're talking like one blink, then she's over. More like she starts signaling and getting over at the same moment, really.
That alone I would let her slide on, a lot of people do worse and don't signal at all.


Don't get in front of me and drive slow! The second shot shows all the open road in front of her! I wondered why she had gotten in my lane to begin with, there was more room in front of her (and behind her) than when she got between me and the guy who was in front of me. A center lane enthusiast. I've seen people cut across three lanes to get to that center lane, then drive slow. Southern California doesn't seem to be much for the "slower traffic keep right" deal.

Here she is in profile. Looks like a damned fembot or something, doesn't she? Don't worry, you're beautiful (in a Michael Jackson kind of way) so you don't need to learn how to drive well, too.